Suabix: AI-Powered Human Factors Innovation, Trademark Filed
Artificial Intelligence for Human Factors and Usability Engineering Optimization
Continue reading "Suabix: AI-Powered Human Factors Innovation, Trademark Filed"Artificial Intelligence for Human Factors and Usability Engineering Optimization
Continue reading "Suabix: AI-Powered Human Factors Innovation, Trademark Filed"New York-based Successful Human Factors™ introduces Suabix™, an innovative AI-powered platform that integrates human factors into medical device design, addressing industry challenges and fostering excellence. Suabix™ offers automated usability testing, intelligent reporting, expert guidance, and seamless integration, benefiting all stakeholders and accelerating time-to-market. Early access opportunities are available for select participants seeking to enhance their product experiences.
Continue reading "Introducing Suabix™ by Successful Human Factors™ – First AI Solution to Optimize and Standardize Human Factors in Medical Device Design"Robust tools and methodologies are essential for achieving success in human factors (HF) validations for medical devices and combination products. Recognizing this importance, the Successful Human Factors (SHF 2.0) framework places great emphasis on “tools & methodology” as a fundamental pillar of best practices. By addressing the unique challenges of integrating human factors into product […]
Continue reading "Understanding the Key Success Factors in ‘Tools & Methodology’ within the Successful Human Factors 2.0 Framework (Part I)"The integration of human factors (HF) engineering (or human-centered design) in the development of medical devices and combination products has become increasingly crucial for ensuring their safety, usability, and overall effectiveness. However, the implementation of HF practices has been accompanied by various challenges, hindering successful validation projects and regulatory compliance. It is clear that traditional approaches […]
Continue reading "Redefining Human Factors Validations: Strategies to Increase Maturity for Successful Human Factors in Medical Devices and Combination Products"We have previously discovered through research the challenges that Human Factors (HF) Validation projects in the medical device and combination products industry often face – study participant-related, changes to IFU and packaging design, engaging sponsors, and more (Rojas et al., 2020). To effectively address these challenges, organizations can leverage the Successful Human Factors (SHF) 2.0 […]
Continue reading "Leveraging the SHF 2.0 Framework to Overcome Common Challenges in Human Factors Validation Projects: A Strategy & Implementation Approach"